It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become. ~ Dr. Seuss
When you look an historic property do you automatically think of it as an eyesore? Or are you able to see it’s star-worthy potential?
There are buyers who like newly built homes, others tolerate a partial fixer-upper where they can incorporate their design fingerprint on a room with small DIY changes such as repainting a wall or two, installing new kitchen cabinets or updating a bathroom. Some individuals are up for tackling big projects such as an historic preservation project or complete structural remakes. Your success will depend upon whether you are realistic with yourself as to how extensive a project you can live with.
If you have trouble seeing the potential in older properties, before you walk away, it may pay to have a builder or architect with a wealth of knowledge and an experienced eye for design show you what they’d suggest doing with an older property. Computer aid design (CAD) software is very handy because you can quite clearly understand what the final renovation, rehab or reconstruction will look like.
The photos below are properties are great examples of homes which have gone from ghastly to glam!
Batton Builders, Inc. has resources and experience with historic properties to help you make wise decisions through our associations with people who have interests in saving old homes and buildings. It is wise to reach out to others about an older property you are considering because going into a project blind sighted is never a good idea.